Thursday, March 12, 2009

Welcome to Tallahassee Driving

On Tuesday, I was driving south, on the inside lane, to Costco and a man came out of a side road and crossed traffic to turn north. Only he stopped in the middle of the southbound lanes. It took me a bit to realize he was not going to get out of the way. I slammed on the breaks and thought to myself "Huh, we are not going to miss."

And we didn't miss. I hit his driver's side, front quarter panel (of course, that is just the impact sight on his car, there was a lot more damage than the quarter panel.) I remember a weird sensation in my face and a lot of foot pain. I couldn't get the car to stop after we hit, so I put it in park and got out to get Spencer. As I was going around the back of the car, a man ran over to us and asked if I was ok. All I could say was "My baby." He responded with a bit of panic,"You had a baby in the car? Oh, good he was in a car seat." For some reason the first thought I had was, really he's not a baby, he's a toddler. In that moment, who really cares?

Spencer was crying up until I started to get him out of the car, then he quieted down. While we were sitting in the median waiting for help, he kept saying, "Mama!" and pointing to the cars going by. He has been doing that for a few weeks when he sees cars drive by and they are very exciting to him. Basically, this was just another exciting place to look at cars driving.

Spencer and I took the ambulance to the hospital, where they checked us both out. Spencer took everything with a grain of salt, but a little before the doctor came in he became a squirmer. The doctor said he obviously was doing fine. They x-rayed my foot and decided I also needed a MRI. The doctor told me my foot is bad and I needed to go to an orthopedic surgeon.

At the orthopedic surgeon yesterday I recieved confirmaton that I have a Lisfranc fracture along with some other bones in the same area. From what I can tell, a Lisfranc fracture is a dislocation of the bones as well as all of the bones breaking. So, my 2nd, 3rd, 4th metatarsels are broken and dislocated and some of the bones above the Lisfranc area are also broken.

This means in a couple of weeks, once the swelling has gone down, I will need surgery, complete with screws, pins and maybe plates. Recovery includes physical therapy and is about 4 months.

When I told the ambulance driver what had happened, he said,"Welcome to Tallahassee driving!"


Karragh said...

Oh Amy...ouch!!! I'm so sorry about your foot but glad that Spencer was fine. I wish we could beam down and help entertain the kids or run errands for traded snow and ice for crazy drivers so it probably evens out. I wish there was something we could do!!!! Keep us posted.

Karragh said...

You said when you hit you felt something strange on your face. Did you get a concussion or hematoma or anything like that? We (meaning me) crashed into another car a couple weeks a go. No one was hurt. Except the excusion and the other minivan. Hit a patch of black ice and spun out. First body shop appt is May so we are lucky we hadn't sold the Saturn yet. Was it a rental car that got smashed up? Its good to know floridians jump out of their cars to help too!!! Like I said, keep us posted...its too bad Costco doesn't deliver. That would be a big help for the next 4 months!